Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010
21.55 ● Cameraman Minho!

this one video had just made my dayy !
wakaka,minho walks too funny.
I was laughing my ass of when I was watching this.


Jumat, 08 Januari 2010
02.00 ● happy new year

goodbye 2009 .
hello 2010 .

I wish that this year may bring a lot of luck to me .
and NO natural disaster will destroy our earth .
earth is already suffering a lot already , you know .
also , for my family & friends to be happy and healthy !

and this is my wishlist for 2010 , please grant my wish god .

1. digital camera
2. my own laptop
3. lost some weight
4. get good grades at school
5. meet someone who likes me
6. SE jalou
7. get many present on my bday

just 7 ,not too much right ?
last words , happy new year !



( I'm a toucholic. )